Men at Work

Overview of our services…

Virtus Vanguard is partnering with MenLiving, a 501.3c non-profit, to help men in the workplace overcome feelings of isolation and uncertainty. The Men at Work program blends the skills of the Virtus Vanguard team with the mission of MenLiving, to create spaces where men can connect, heal, and thrive.

Men at Work is a structured Employee Resource Group for men. Organizations implementing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts have recognized that success in DEI requires the full involvement of all employees to elevate the culture and foster appreciation for difference. Well-intentioned goals and policies may create an artificial and unhelpful separation between groups.

A Proven Method

Building on the proven method of Men Living,  Men at Work creates virtual spaces for men to live and work consciously, curiously, emotionally, candidly and intentionally, as allies and integrated members of company cultures. Men at Work facilitates sessions to  convene men who wish to share their perspectives and contribute as equal participants in the culture-building effort. Following the initial session, participants can join regularly meeting cohort in which men can discuss the challenges they face in the workplace, with discussions structured around specific themes. The program also includes options for additional special-topic conversations and individual coaching.

The Men at Work initiative also supports HR, DEI and Talent Development leaders in crafting organizational strategies to implement successful inclusion programs that foster connection, respect diversity for all employee groups, including men as well.